Aug 5, 2009

Bento #57 - Cartoon Pandan Egg Cake

There is a little stall selling cartoon pandan egg cake at night market. They have Hello Kitty, Doraemon, Pikachu, Melody... all are cute but I have never tried it.

Yerterday went to night market with my sis. Her kids requested this pandan egg cake. I also get some for Isaac. Of course I will not missed out Pikachu as it's one of Isaac's favourite cartoon (^_^)

I packed Doraemon & Pikachu and half golden kiwi for Isaac, the other two egg cakes have gone into my stomach... kekeke... Tell you what, it taste so so only (^_O)

Few of my friends asked me what I did to the remaining bread. Since I only need to arrange today's bento for photo snapping, I decided to show you how I handle those balance....

Store the unused and remaining bread seperately. The remainder I will bring to office as my lunch. Dip it into hot milo taste not bad :)

Big piece of balance, I will spread some jam and it becomes breakfast / lunch of the day :)
If I can't finish the balance by Friday, then all will go into dusbin. This is rare case anyway (@_^)

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