Well mix the egg the pan-fry it, just like how we prepare egg sheet. When it is almost cook, off the stove and put some chicken floss on top and roll it over. I don't know does it make any difference if I put chicken floss on the egg sheet after it is cooling down. (-_-)
I then cut the egg roll into small piece and decorate it as honeybee. I packed some tomato into the sauce container I just bought last week. It comes with another three small size bottle, but with apple (or maybe is tomato) as the lid. Cute, I love this sauce containers.
Close shot on the egg roll. Try it out, simple to prepare and nice to eat, but abit unhealthy as it is pan-fry.
Hi, your bees are so adorable, love them :D. Love your beautiful blog too :D
Let's marching ... marching! So cute! Never thought to make egg roll with floss fill in. What is your kid's favorite floss?
Oh yah forgot! Please pick up 2 awards from my blog here.
Good job ESL! Very creative and healthy food, I am going to try it out today!!
Cute bees :)
it looks yummy, chicken floss inside the egg roll.
i'll try this @ home.
Thank u for inspiring me :)
@totabonita: Thanks, I love your bento too, nice and colourful! Sorry, I have linked it in my blog without asking your permission, hope you don't mind (*_~). Feel free to visit my "HoMe".
@Lia: You make me think of the movie "BEE". Yes, let's march and and get some honey back (*o*). My son actually love the floss with seaweek. Seaweek is one of his favourite junk food :)
Wau! Award for me, TQ. Will go your house to grab it yeah :)
@Lyn: Your words make me got "Ohmm" to come out more ideas (*o*) TQ TQ. Try it out yeah!
@The Bargowo: Happy to hear that you love this idea too. Feel free to visit my "HoMe".
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